
保罗米. 玛特威会计师

Paul joined the firm in 1983 and became a shareholder in 1988. He served as Chair of the Tax 部门 from 2001 – 2015, 协助指导公司内部的税务计划, and also to develop new products and services for the firm’s 税 services group. 如今,保罗担任公司的特别顾问.

Paul works closely with the firm’s clients, developing their business and 税 planning strategies. He has considerable experience in 税 compliance and planning for closely held businesses and their shareholders, especially in the areas of mergers and acquisitions and entity structuring. Paul works side by side with firm clients to develop just the right approach for their 税 needs. He has assisted clients in a number of industries such as 汽车 dealerships, 建设, 专业bet9平台游戏, 人寿保险, 零售, 批发及制造.

Paul specializes in and serves as a consultant to new and existing 汽车 客户和bet9平台游戏于许多客户顾问委员会.


B.S. ——杜肯大学会计系


Member—American and Pennsylvania Institutes of Certified Public Accountants, the Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants and PrimeGlobal

实习组长施耐德唐斯税 部门

Chair of Membership Committee and past Director—匹兹堡 Field Club


Chairman—Central Catholic High School Victory Auction-2000

Member—Duquesne Society; Lasaillian Society; 匹兹堡 Field Club; Secession Golf Club

股东-in-charge的 施耐德唐斯汽车bet9平台游戏行业 集团


Advisor to Board—Greater 匹兹堡 Auto Dealer Foundation




经验是伟大的教育家,只是需要很长时间. (所以我去读了研究生)

My parents, who taught me the importance of patience and perseverance


What is the best or most interesting thing about your career?
I’ve been along for the ride as Schneider Downs grew from 35 people to 400 (and counting) team members. Of course, the best thing that happened to me was meeting Marci on the beach in Florida.


读读约翰·伍登的书《bet9平台游戏》. Listen to Jim Valvano’s speech – Don’t give up…don’t ever give up.



大问题: 新兴技术 Client Unaware Of Sales Tax Requirements Upon Exit

大的思考: Perform Multi-jurisdictional Tax Exposure Analysis To Ensure Compliance

股东 特雷弗·沃伦 joined Schneider Downs in 2001 and has more than 20 years of experience in public accounting. 他主要专注于审计, 审查和汇编业务, 他bet9平台游戏于多个行业, 从汽车到非营利组织. He also leads the firm’s 新兴技术 bet9平台游戏 集团.
When one of the firm’s emerging technology clients was making plans to sell their business, Trevor and his team noticed that they were unaware of sales 税 filing requirements. Knowing from experience how complex such requirements can be for emerging technology companies who sell products across multiple 税ing jurisdictions, Trevor and his team understood that this missing piece would pose issues during due diligence and could negatively impact the client’s sale. 以确保交易顺利进行, Trevor and his team suggested that the Schneider Downs state and local 税 group perform a sales 税 nexus study on the company. The group performed an analysis on both the client’s material revenue streams and the sales 税 reporting requirements in the jurisdictions where they had customers. 然后, Trevor and his team used that information to estimate the client’s total 税 exposure, pinpoint the jurisdictions with significant exposure and help draft Voluntary Disclosure Agreements in those the jurisdictions. “We know that these requirements can be hard on early-stage companies when they have limited staff and revenue generation is a primary focus,特雷弗说。. “By doing this analysis and going through the voluntary disclosure agreement process, we were able to get the company compliant with their sales 税 filing requirements at a significantly reduced cost.” In addition, this process eliminated 税 issues and exposure for the company upon exit. Schneider Downs provides Big Thinking and Personal Focus in delivering a variety of services for large and small businesses, 公开和私人持有, 以及非营利组织, 政府机构等. Through our commitment to thought leadership and knowledge management, we deliver the solutions our clients need with a personal commitment to service.

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每一刻都很重要. 紧急请求, contact the Schneider Downs digital forensics and incident response team at 1-800-993-8937. 如有其他要求,请填写以下表格.


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