
环境, social, and governance (ESG) policies and practices are a continuously growing aspect of business in today’s world, 对各行各业都有影响. The retail sector is on the forefront of the ESG movement—as consumers, stakeholders and regulators look for retail companies that are making efforts to improve ESG practices.

ESG policies address environmental and social injustice issues that might arise due to the actions of a company, including effects on climate change; and where human rights might be in jeopardy due to manufacturing processes. Robust ESG initiatives have been linked to access to funding at lower rates, with higher volumes of investments in companies which have solidified ESG principles. 

Another driver of ESG in retail and other sectors is the risk implications that come with ESG-related regulations and reporting. ESG创造了一个提高透明度的目标, as people are questioning methods used by large retail corporations more than ever. While the reasoning behind this questioning might be caused by changing attitudes or realizations, 事实上,对该行业的监管正在加强. Regulatory scrutiny has increased among regulators including the EU Emissions Trading System. The cost of future noncompliance with ESG regulation will likely be higher than proactive action now.

The standards set forth for ESG in the retail industry are created by high-profile companies with large representation. 比如家得宝(Home Depot).S.), Rewe (Germany), and Carrefour (France), which are helping set standards across the globe. The emphasis for these companies includes utilizing renewable energy sources, creating sustainable products and having full transparency in emissions released. 大型零售商的一个主要目标是吸引有道德的消费者, alongside the positive global effects of increasing ESG compliance efforts.

Key risks within retail companies implementing ESG practices involve supply chain methods, 洗绿和股东行动主义. 

  • When it comes to supply chain, forced labor and human trafficking are key items to prevent. 通过新的努力, including regulations demanding responsibility among businesses for their practices, businesses must implement greater monitoring to ensure that sustainable methods and humane working practices are used throughout manufacturing and distribution of products for retail. 
  • Greenwashing (misleading claims on environmentally sound products/services) has been an issue for companies looking to falsely improve their image. In 2023, 公司可能会因此类虚假声明而面临法律诉讼, 因此, 必须更加意识到他们的透明度吗. 
  • Shareholder activism campaigns related to ESG have substantially increased in the past few years; which again, can lead to legal action against companies who are seen as having bad practices or behavior when it comes to ESG.

ESG has a large upside for retailers who choose to invest in sustainable and transparent business practices. However, 与ESG实施过程中所涉及的风险, 零售商对如何“正确”地进行这一过程持谨慎态度,” to ensure that their efforts create positive impacts for themselves as well as the world around them. When moving towards more sustainable practices that support the ESG movement, 零售公司有很多事情要记住.


施耐德唐斯, 我们努力最大限度地发挥零售客户业务的潜力, 同时增加收入,降低成本. 作为三州地区最大的公司之一, we know the value of personal focus and are a PCI Certified Quality Security Assessor. Our Retail industry group professionals have experience working with several regional, 国家和国际组织, and we possess the knowledge and capability to provide value to any entity within the retail industry.  

欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 零售和企业对消费者行业集团 page. 


With our industry expertise and extensive knowledge of the risk advisory landscape, the Schneider Downs team can help your organization perform a gap assessment relative to the finalized regulation, 提出改善的地方, 并符合美国证券交易委员会名称披露要求.

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